
Vidici i putokazi

FBD ovom edicijom daje svoj doprinos negovanju opšte bezbednosne kulture srpskog društva i demokratskom dijalogu o najaktulenim temama. Prvi broj Vidika i putokaza, posvećen izazovima Sajber bezbednosti, objavljen je 2010. godine.

Vidici i putokazi

Sadržaji Aktuelno



Ka prevazilaženju nesklada između opredeljenosti Srbije za članstvo u EU i oživljavanja i podsticanja ovdašnjih starih i novih protivljenja i pristupa Alijansi iako je ona strateški partner EU



Dosad najobimnija i najpotpunija publikacija o NATO na srpskom jeziku doprinos je nastojanjima za bolje razumevanje Alijanse kakva je danas, vrednosti koje je određuju kao i njenih potencijala i važnosti bitnih za Evropsku uniju.


Kako je rođena balkanska super sila kriminala

Kako je rođena balkanska super sila kriminala

O organizaciji koja je za samo desetak godina izrasla u bezbednosnu pretnju ne samo za region Balkana već i Evropu i dalje od nje.

English Corner

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English Corner

Selected pages


English Corner

The Begining

It all started after long private talks, at the end of the very dramatic year - the year in which Zoran Djindjic “the first democratic Prime-Minister with a smile in the western direction” was assassinated!

Basic Facts

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The Begining

How Forum for Security and Democracy was born

English Corner

Addressing the young leaders of the Balkans

By Milan Jovanović, President and CEO of Forum for Security and Democracy,

My advice to you, at the end of this address is: Escape the past; Try not to be influenced or infected with history myths, tales or facts with the capital F. Instead - prefer contemporary, modern knowledge and sciences; Try, as much as you can, to select your point of view from which you can have the best pictures, and perspectives, of the future;

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Addressing the young leaders of the Balkans

The Political Parties, Media and Negotiation in SEE

What young Balkan’s politicians should and need to know

English Corner

The Genesis of Balcan's Superpower of Crime

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The Genesis of Balcan's Superpower of Crime

As well as in Sicily, as well as anyplace else where mafia operates, the very first victim of the Albanian organized crime is the Albanian population itself.

English Corner

Support Us

Since its founding in 2004 and up to this day FSD is recognizable for its bold, open, forethought and responsible ideas and stands concerning the most complex security, foreign policy and domestic issues, especially those pertaining to Serbia’s relations with the EU and NATO.

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Support Us

Forum for Security and Democracy is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, independent nongovernment organization stationed in Belgrade.

English Corner

Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

How To Donate Forum For Security and Democracy