FOR SYNERGY AMONG PRO-EUROPEAN PARTIES IN SERBIA


Forum for security and democracy welcomes further continuation and strengthening of Serbia’s process of joining the European Union through the opening of negotiation chapters 23 and 24 which it regards as processes of great importance given the current international and domestic political affairs.   

FSD expects that the opening of those chapters will ease the overcoming of doubts by the Prime-minister designate and that it will also offer the opportunity to display even more Serbia’s commitment to the continued and accelerated process of EU integrations during the formation of its government.  

In a situation in which the EU is exposed to doubts about itself, the refugee (migrant) crisis and increasing terrorist attacks and where Serbia is exposed to a noted increase of international and internal pressures to abandon its road towards the EU and advocacy for a turnabout towards other, as far as Serbia is concerned, possibly far more uncertain and riskier integrations, FSD is of the opinion that Serbia needs a more effective harmony among political parties that advocate for the integration of Serbia into the EU, regardless of their parliamentary role.

It is with concern that FSD notes the absence of such policies, both on the part of the pro-European authorities as well as the pro-European opposition parties who’s conduct is sometimes more advantageous to opponents of the EU in Serbia, even though it’s questionable how much those parties can individually contribute to Serbia’s association to the EU.   

FSD believes it is still not too late but that this is the last chance to make a difference. Serbia is in dire need of synergy between pro-European parties!

Therefore FSD appeals to both the prime-minister designate and all the political parties truly committed to Serbia’s integration into the EU that they, through their activities, create an atmosphere in which a social dialogue that strengthens Serbia’s European path and contributes to the maintaining of political stability in the country, without which that path of integration is inconceivable, can take place.

Whether Serbia will have a Government that leans towards the EU depends not just on the prime-minister designate and his party but on all political parties that are in favor of Serbia continuing down its path towards Europe.


Belgrade, 07/24/ 2016.