Belgrade, 07 24  2022.




Forum for Security and Democracy condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent public statements by the Mayor of Belgrade Aleksandar Sapic which bring into question the verdicts for the genocide in Srebrenica and calls on all the members of the city assembly as well as the assembly itself to unambiguously distance themselves from the anti-civilizational views of the first man of office in Belgrade!

It is FSD's view that such statements, apart from the fact that they are a horrifying relativization of one of the most heinous crimes committed in Europe since WW2, could also be the grounds on which mayor Sapic could be found criminally liable for racial discrimination which carries a prison sentence in Serbia!

Bearing this in mind, FSD calls on the Public prosecutors' office to open an investigation of mayor Sapic on the suspicion that he has through his public statements committed racial discrimination proscribed in Article 387 Section 5 of Serbia's Criminal code.

Last but not least, it is FSDs view that this new verbal crossing of the Rubicon by Mayor Sapic poses a significant new strain on the ready tarnished image of Belgrade ahead of Europride which is scheduled in September and greatly damages the already seriously diminished reputation of Serbia as a state-candidate for EU membership.

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