Festivities and guests in Banja Luka 
At the festivities and manifestations held in Banja Luka on January 9th 2018, members of the group “Serbian Honor” could be found among many guests and invitees in addition to the official delegation from Serbia. AVDO AVDIC, on Bosnia & Hercegovina’s portal “ZURNAL” wrote about members of this group in an article originally titled “WITH THE HELP OF RUSSIAN AND SERBIAN PARAMILITARIES: Milorad Dodik is organizing paramilitary units in Republika Srpska!” pubilshed on January 12th 2018 by bosnian website www.zurnal.info  


by Avdo Avdić

They like to refer to themselves as humanists. However, if you try typing in “Serbian Honor” on any social network you will come across burly men with masks covering their features, people in camouflage uniforms with automatic weapons in their hands as well as gym, military training and lineup photos.

 Milorad Dodik with the members of "Serbian Honor"

Among them you might find a few photographs which show that the members of “Serbian Honor” are in charge of the security of Ceca Raznatovic, Arkan’s widow, that they are frequent in Moscow and more besides. Most of these photographs were made in Banja Luka. However, the one from December 12th 2017 is the most remarkable; showing the “Humanists” from Serbian Honor, in black shits and camouflage uniforms, in the conference hall of the National Assembly of Republic of Srpska.  

 "Serbian Honor" members in the National Assembly of RS

Igor Biblija from Prijedor and Bojan Stojkovic  from Nis were seated in the first row. They are the leaders of Serbian Honor. Igor Biblija is a known quantity from the black chronicles. He was arrested for prostitution, usury and organized crime. Bojan Stojkovic from Nis is known for being “the strongest Serb”. He bears the medal given to him by General Valerij Vjecesljavevic Kaljakin. Along with his colleagues from Serbian Honor he has undergone training at the 63rd parachute brigade’s camp in Nis; an event that he commemorated with this appropriate picture.  

 "Serbian Honor" leader recieving a decoration from Russian general

Tokom  2007. godine boravio je u u vojnoj bazi „Ševatske Livade“ u Preševu. Dio obuke je, prema izvorima Žurnala, zahvaljujući vezama sa ruskim ratnim veteranima okupljenim oko udruženja „Naslednici pobede“, prošao i u Moskvi, a formu održava u ruskom Humanitarnom centru u Nišu. 

In 2007 he stayed at the “Sevatske Livade” military base in Presevo. Part of his training, according to Zurnal’s sources, took place in Moscow, tanks in part to his connections with Russian veterans from the Inheritors of  Victory Society. He is keeping in shape at the Russian Humanitarian Center in Nis.  


"Serbian Honor" members during their training in Nis

This is a president worth dying for,” Stojkovic wrote on his Instagram profile just under a photo of Vladimir Putin.

Under a picture of Milorad Dodik he posted ”No one can harm us, we’re stronger then destiny”.

Milorad Dodik sang the lines from that popular song at a rally organized as a counter-protest against the opposition who called for his removal from office in May 2017. Members of “Serbian Honor” were in charge of his security at the rally. They have been frequent guests in Banja Luka since then, especially on occasions when the president of Republic of Srbska expressed or enforced his separatist ideas. Their intensified presence in B&H over the course of last two months had been noted by B&H’s security services. 

 Serbian Honor" members on the streets of Banja Luka

“Serbian Honor and the youth from the veterans association RS Powers held a meeting in the National Assembly of RS, in which they discussed the formation of a unit composed of these two associations that would participate in a ceremonial lineup and defile on the commemoration of January 9th, the unconstitutional day of Republic of Srpska,” documents from the security agencies say and also add that “eventual interventions were also discussed in case the opposition tried to obstruct the work of the authorities.”  

According to those same sources, Nenad Stevandic, vice president the National Assembly of RS, secured the offices for the activities of “Serbian Honor”. When he was confronted with this by Zurnal, Stevanovic replied that he hadn’t seen Bojan Stojkovic, a special forces member from Nis with Russian decorations, in the offices of the National Assembly of RS.   

“I cooperate with the RS Veteran association and I support their right to use the facilities of the National Assembly as an NGO”, Stevandic said and ended the correspondence with – “now get lost. Continue with your hired article.”


Just beforehand he confirmed that he was a speaker at that meeting, along with the representatives Serbian Honor “association” and the members of the Russian “Victory Inheritors” society. At this conference, which discussed the necessity of anti-NATO activities, Rajko Latinovic from Derventa, whom the B&H security services have registered as a person who has undergone training in military camps in Russia, was also one of the panelists. Aleksandar Stanojevic from Doboj, an ex-police officer from RS, was also present. However, presidents of the Serbian Honor association from Serbia Bojan Stojkovic and Igor Biblija spearheaded the meeting.

“Igor Biblija, president of the Serbian Honor association from RS, is recruiting people from the criminal underworld who will comprise the backbone of a future paramilitary formation and he is using the youth organization Power as a recruitment base,” it is stated in the documents of the B&H security agencies.    

Three days ago, during the commemoration of the unconstitutional RS Day, members of this paramilitary formation have also participated in the defile in the streets of Banja Luka. However, their presence was also noted two days after the festivities, when cars, registered in Serbia, with the Serbian Honor emblem were parked at several locations in RS.

The fact that Milorad Dodik’s regime is prone to enlisting paramilitary and police units has also been demonstrated by a case from 2014 when the Donish Cossacks, a paramilitary formation on the EU’s black list, entered B&H in official vehicles of the Ministry of internal affairs of RS on the eve of the scheduled elections. One of those Cossacks was Nikolai Djakonov, who participated in pro-Russian operations in Ukraine.  

After the media exposed their arrival, the authorities of RS issued a statement that the Cossacks have come to dance in the center of Banja Luka. However, when it comes to the members of the paramilitary organization Serbian Honor Milorad Dodik’s regime is no longer concealing it’s true intentions. Ex-criminals and ex-policemen a marching in the streets of Banja Luka.





Dodik's cabinet denies the formation of paramilitary units


- Confabulations published on certain websites that the president of Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik is, with the support of Moscow, forming paramilitary units is extremely dangerous and aimed at misinforming it's citizens - that was the statement from Dodik's cabinet after this text and pictures were posted on www.zurnal.info on January 13th 2018. 
The statement, which was also broadcast on RSTV, points out that the fact that this is a confabulation is also evident in the fact that the author of the disputed article doesn't point to any verifiable evidence that would confirm his claims about the formation of paramilitary units.
This reaction ensued after several websites reported that "the president of RS Milorad Dodik is, with the support from Moscow, forming paramilitary units".
The Russian Embassy in B&H dismissed these claims as nonsense and a series of pointless lies.
As far as we're concerned, it is pointless to comment on such rubbish and senseless lies that were distributed by certain media, reports SRNA from the Russian Embassy, (source: TVRS, SRNA, FoNet 13.1.2018)